Client Services

  • CRA client services
  • Cloud Accounting
  • Accounting Services
  • Gas Bar Accounting
  • Tax Planning & Preparation
  • Consulting Services


CRA Client Services

We specialize in farming and rental properties. We work with Canada Revenue Agency on behalf of the client for any income tax related disputes.

Government Reporting & Filing

We take the burden out of the monthly filing requirements to CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) by providing this service to our clients. We reconcile and remit GST whether on a yearly or quarterly basis, PST, and monthly source deductions for those clients who maintain staff. We also prepare and provide yearly T4’s and file the required T4 summary.

Tax Planning & Preparation

Tax planning and preparation form a winning combination for our successful individual and business clients. Our experienced staff can develop tax-minimization strategies to optimize your after-tax position.


Accounting Services

Providing financial information to our clients in a timely and accurate manner is a commitment that we feel cannot be compromised. Meaningful, well-organized financial records ensure that your business operations will run more efficiently on a daily basis. We are also able to file most government documents online. ie.  ROE, PST, GST, Corporate Taxes. SMW Accounting provides a full range of cost effective accounting services including the following:


  • Full payroll services
  • Business plan applications
  • Accounting and bookkeeping for various trade industries
  • General ledger & financial statement preparation
  • Bookkeeping (Monthly/Quarterly/Annual)
  • Accounting system setup for new businesses
  • Compilation of financial statements

Cloud Accounting

Cloud Accounting combines virtual, scalable, full range accounting with technology. Our Unique process allows us to provide real-time numbers to help business owners know the health of their business. It is a very cost efficient, saves clients travel time with their accountants, software compatibility and no need for file transfers with usb’s.

Gas Bar Accounting

We set up our clients general ledger to meet the specific needs of the fuel industry. This provides better control over your cost of sales analysis and profit margin. With our knowledge and experience in this industry of Fuel rebate, POS fees ,daily sales monitoring, employee store charges etc, we understand the challenges many gas bar owners come across daily and have designed an industry specific system. We support and assist your business in continued growth and success.

Not For Profit Review & Statements

For those not for profit organizations who are not in a financial position to pay high audit control fees , we provide a review of their bookkeeping records for the year ended and provide formal financial statements including notes.


Consulting Services

We gauge our worth by the personal and business successes of our clients. We can help your business identify areas negatively affecting profitability and growth and develop solutions that are practical and technically sound. In addition to acting as a sounding board for management, we provide comprehensive, flexible strategies that address the issues affecting your business. The following are just a few of the areas in which we provide consulting services:


  • Accounting software selection and implementation
  • Buying/selling a business
  • Business process improvement
  • Computer systems


We Keep Everything Organized For You In One Place

  • Budgeting Analysis
  • Benefits & Pension Plans
  • Accounting Services
  • Retirement Planning